Thursday, July 10, 2008

B for Books

As at today I have read about 5 books. I still have 2 books in reading which are La- Tahzan – bought by my fiancé ..(thank you dear) and one from Sidney Sheldon..and this morning I started read one book that my fiancé bring back from one conference he attended. The book title is Return on Learning – Training High Performance at Accenture (this is more on HR aspect). first book mama n abah belikan for me and other siblings is Britainica Encyclopedia Set which is still ade dekat umah skrg..I still remember the set have 24 volumes including children and adults reading..rasanyer I managed to complete yang children punyer series..and than my first Bahasa Melayu story book is “Hakim yang Bijaksana” (lebih kurang la tajuk nyer) masa tu kita baru darjah 1..mama nak kita jadi lawyer..unfortunately kita tak minat la..tapi Allah S.W.T tu maha brother married to a lawyer :)..buku cerita pasal 25 rasul pun ade tapi kita baca separuh je from the 25 series..the other half tak sempat abiskan :)

Masa sekolah rendah..kita baca buku yang bercorak suspens, mystery..bila dah secondary school more to love story book i.e Ahadiat Akashah, Judith McNaught..bila dah masuk UIA..buku2 ilmiah yg dibaca..and from this also I was expose to Islamic books - which I can consider heavy reading (masa tu la) and which I only read for the sake of exam and for assignments) than when dah mula reading dah slow because of I "paksa" myself to read on what ever current issues and especially on Islamic books, articles..which I thought I should start much2 first reading on Islamic book ( i meant solid islamic book - not an article ye) after I graduate is La Tahzan..pelik kan..this kind of book will last in the list.. :) And of course the every day reading that we have to do is reading Al-quran..nie pun kadang2 tertinggal hmmm...

I still have few list of book that I wish to read i.e. Basic Black from Cathie Black (Cathie Black the most influential women in the business world, Hearst Magazines Prident.She oversees 19 magazines in the United States—including Cosmopolitan, Redbook and O, The Oprah Magazine—as well as more than 200 international titles in over 100 countries), Sophie Kinsella series..and many more

Before I end..just to share last week I went to Guoman PD for 4 days for my company Strategic Planning - where I was one of the secretariat for the course..while I was prepared material for evening session I found this song in the laptop from Opick - Taubat. Who is Opick? He is Islamic/Religious singer at Indonesia or his real name is Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus. Kita tersentuh dengar lagu nie..masa tu I was facing golf course dan matahari tengah turun.. the room is empty because semua org dah balik bilik..sunyi..I was so touch..sempat copy and until today I keep on repeating the song..Alhamdulillah at least there are singer out there can really touch your heart!Saturday is coming and looking forward to have the cd!

Opick - Taubat
wahai tuhan jauh sudah lelah kaki melangkahaku hilang tanpa arah rindu hati sinarmu wahai tuhan aku lemah hilang terumur noda hapuskanlah terangilahjiwa di hitam jalanku ampunkanlah aku terimalah taubatku sesungguhnya engkau sang maha pengampun dosa Ya robbi, ijinkanlah aku kembali padamu meski mungkin takkan sempurnaaku sebagai hambamu ampunkanlah aku terimalah taubatku sesungguhnya engkau sang maha pengampun dosa berilkanlah akukesempaatn waktuaku ingin kembali kembali...dan meski aku tak layaksujud padamu dan sungguh tak layakaku...


Unknown on July 10, 2008 at 7:50 PM said...

I'm impress, a lot of book, dah beli ke CD OPICK tu?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

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